BuxMont Unitarian Universalist Fellowship could not exist without the generous support of its members and friends. Your gifts of time and money change lives, inside and outside the Fellowship. Your support provides a haven for free thought and spiritual exploration in Bucks and Montgomery counties. Your support keeps the lights on and the creativity flowing in our beautiful Fellowship building. Your support gives BuxMont a voice in the community, standing for justice and for love. And your support allows generation after generation of BuxMont children to grow up exploring and discovering their own beliefs.

Make one-time or recurring payments here.

FY2025 Stewardship Campaign


Our BuxMont UU Fellowship community pledges our financial support for our loving congregation of liberal religious values, and for our spiritual home.

The budget for our next Fiscal Year 2023 relies on $262,000 from pledges. We will accomplish this with 100% participation and a 4% increase by Members, Friends, and Visitors. You do not need to be a Member to pledge. Anyone who believes in our mission is encouraged to help BuxMont grow and flourish.

If you are pledging for the first time and have any questions, please email our Stewardship Treasurer

Online Pledging

Get More Information

Pledges can be paid via:

  • Direct debit 
  • Checks placed in the offering basket (write “Pledge” in the memo line)
  • Checks mailed to BuxMont (2040 Street RD, Warrington, PA  18976)
  • On your bank account, set up BuxMont as an online payee and have your pledge payment(s) sent to BuxMont
  • Online payment

Any questions? Email the Stewardship Treasurer

Thank you for ensuring that BuxMont will continue to serve as a welcoming spiritual haven and a beacon for positive change in our community!

BuxMont Endowment Fund

The BuxMont Endowment Fund provides sustained income for our Fellowship, now and in the years ahead. Gifts are invested, and the derived income supports congregational events and capital needs.  BuxMont members and friends who have given to the Endowment Fund or who indicate to the committee that they have included the Fellowship in their estate plan become members of the Heritage Society.

Endowment gifts may include:

  • Outright gifts of cash, CDs, securities, real estate and other objects of value
  • Gift by Will, designating the Heritage Society as a beneficiary in a will
  • Life Insurance, naming the Heritage Society as the owner and beneficiary
  • Life Income Gifts, including immediate and deferred annuities, pooled income funds, and trusts of many kinds

Learn more about The Heritage Society and The Endowment Fund

For more information or to make a gift, contact (endowment@buxmontuu.org).

Volunteer Opportunities

BuxMont strongly embraces volunteerism as a form of faith in action.  Volunteer opportunities include:

  • Serving as a religious education teacher
  • Volunteering for the Caring Committee (organizing rides, visiting and caring for sick members, etc.)
  • Facilities maintenance
  • Gardening
  • Helping in the library
  • Leading a discussion group
  • Supporting Sunday morning services
  • Serving the community through Green Sanctuary and Peace and Justice projects–such as Apartment Partners (homeless shelter), Immigrant Families support, UUPlan (lobbying Pennsylvania legislature), roadside clean-up, etc.
  • and much, much more…

Visit our volunteer page or email membership@buxmontuu.org to learn how you can get involved in these or any other activities.

Online Shopping Links

How it works

You can support BuxMont UU all year by using the eScrip Shopping Portal!
Shop Online from many national vendors.


You can also benefit our Fellowship when you eat out at participating local and national restaurants with the eScrip Dining program!