Volunteering at BuxMont is a wonderful way to connect with others while helping to keep the Fellowship running. Possibilities range from music and decorating to greeting, teaching, pastoral care, gardening or making repairs.

Sunday Services

The Sunday Service Committee meets monthly on the first Tuesday to plan all the lay-led services for the congregation.  Everyone is welcome to join the committee, bring in potential speakers and topics, and to help in coordinating and presenting the services. For more information please contact sundayservice@buxmontuu.org and see: What-a-Sunday-Service-Coordinator-Does and order-of-service-outline-dec-4-2016

Sunday Morning

Sunday morning volunteer opportunities include greeting, ushering, speaking, singing, playing music, teaching and serving coffee and refreshments. For information about ushering or serving coffee and refreshments, email sundayhelpers@buxmontuu.org. Here are the descriptions of the volunteer jobs: USHER DIRECTIONS-19, COFFEE Donut Refreshments v17, Lemonade Cookie Refreshments, CLEANUP VOLUNTEER DIRECTIONS V.12. To volunteer, access the Sign Up Genius page. For information about music opportunities, email music@buxmontuu.org or read more about our musical groups. For information about teaching children and youth, email dre@buxmontuu.org or read more about our religious education for children and youth. For information about greeting newcomers, helping them sign in and helping them find their way around BuxMont, email membership@buxmontuu.org. Continuing volunteers and new volunteers who have received training can sign up directly here.

Other Volunteer Opportunities

Ongoing volunteer opportunities include: Adult Education and Enrichment Communications Denominational Connections Facilities Finance Gardening Green Sanctuary Membership Merriment Music Pastoral Care Peace & Social Justice Stewardship For more information about any of these groups, please email membership@buxmontuu.org. [/two_third] [one_third_last]
