The split plate program was initiated at BuxMont UU Fellowship in October 2004. Fifty percent of the cash offerings received during Sunday services goes to help organizations in BuxMont’s community that serve those in need. Since this program began in 2004, we have donated more than $200,000.

If you have a suggestion for a Split Plate recipient, please e-mail the name of the organization to The organization needs to have a 501(c)3 status and be located in Philadelphia, Bucks County, or Montgomery County. Thank you!

How It Works

The Board of Trustees, the Finance Committee, and the Peace and Justice Committee would like to clarify the way “basket” donations are split with the charity of the month, to assure that your contribution is credited where you intend.

  1. All non-pledge cash donations will be divided equally between BuxMont and the charity.
  2. All checks to BuxMont Unitarian Universalist Fellowship (BMUUF), and not otherwise designated on the memo line, will be credited to the donor’s pledge for BuxMont’s operating budget.
  3. All checks to BMUUF that you wish to share with the split plate will be divided according to your designation on the memo line. Example: “50/50,” “$40 BuxMont / $10 charity,” or “All charity,” etc.

If you itemize deductions on your income tax return, it is to your advantage to make any donations to the charity by check rather than cash. We can then substantiate your donation by including it on your giving statement.

We continue to appreciate your generosity to both the Fellowship and the “split plate” recipients.

Our Split-Plate Recipients

Inter-Faith Housing Alliance

Sociedad Hispana Doylestown

Laurel House

Peace Center

POWER Interfaith

Delaware River Keepers

BuxMont Meals on Wheels

Kin Wellness and Support Center