Covenant of Right Relations

We come to this fellowship in pursuit of a community of love, strength and support that is larger than ourselves.  In this spirit, we covenant to:

  • Provide a safe and inclusive space for the social and spiritual needs of our diverse members, honoring different perspectives, abilities and cultural identities
  • Honor our obligation to volunteer as we are able and give of ourselves in support of each other and our fellowship
  • Recognize, acknowledge, and actively appreciate our gifts to one another, accepting our imperfections and limitations
  • Support and nurture each other in our community, taking responsibility to ask for what we need
  • Listen and speak actively, respectfully, and with caring and open minds, sharing our individual truths as a means to reach better understanding
  • Speak honestly and directly to those with whom we have issues, especially in times of conflict or disagreement
  • Focus foremost on problem-solving rather than blame, seeking the best resolutions for all involved, including our Fellowship as a whole.

We join in this covenant to grow and sustain a healthy and loving fellowship.

(Approved by the congregation May 20, 2012)

Our Vision

The BuxMont Unitarian Universalist Fellowship will be a diverse, welcoming, and caring religious community that fosters the spiritual growth of adults, children, and youth.  We will be well known in the community as a beacon for Unitarian Universalist values, including social justice, environmental change, and service to others.  We will be a vibrant, growing congregation with sufficient resources to provide high quality personnel, programs, and facilities that enable us to achieve our mission.

Our Mission

It is our mission to:

Live, teach, and promote Unitarian Universalism and our liberal religious values.

Respect and care for one another, supporting the spiritual growth of each individual and providing a safe, tolerant, and welcoming spiritual haven.

Provide a religious education for children, youth, and adults that will enrich our lives and the spiritual life of the broader community.

Match our actions to our values inside and outside our fellowship, becoming a fulcrum for environmental, spiritual, and social change in the community.

Learn more…

What is Unitarian Universalism?

What should I expect when visiting BuxMont?

Which events can I attend?

How do children fit in at BuxMont?