We offer a safe and creative environment in which children and youth become compassionate, knowledgeable, and involved members of our spiritual community as well as of the world at large. To achieve this, our program provides opportunities for fellowship, free inquiry and expression, ethical and spiritual growth, and service for our communities.

R.E. Programs for 2023-2024 Year

Coming of Age– Open to high schoolers, this program is designed to help teens develop and articulate their own beliefs.  The plan is meet every other week (10/8, 10/22, 11/5, 11/19, 12/3, 12/17, 1/7, 1/21, 2/4, 2/18, 3/3, 3/17, 4/7, and 5/5) at 7pm in the Social Hall. Please complete the following form to register your teen for Coming of Age.  https://forms.gle/YFXysV11e3UVL1EZ9

Current Events and Conversations – Open to teens 12 years old and up, this program is to designed to allow the teens to discuss current events and issues relevant to their lives and from around the world.  We hope that teens will be able to explore as many perspectives as possible to gain a better understanding of the issues. This program will meet weekly on Sundays during service,10:30-11:30am. Teens are eligible to do both this program and Coming of Age if they wish.  Please complete this form if you wish to register your teen.  https://forms.gle/VoyTF6T4NsAmxKPQ8

Love Will Guide Us– Open to kids from 1st-4th grade, it is a program focused on love, and how it guides us within nature, our communities, and various challenges that we experience. This program will run every other week during Sunday Service, 10:45-11:30am.

Chalice Children– Open to kids aged 3-ish to 6, this program focused on understanding what Unitarian Universalism is all about.  This program will meet weekly on Sunday mornings during service. 

Nursery- open to kids under the age of 3-ish, there will not be any formal learning here, but lots of learning to share and not put things in our mouths, which are very important skills.

Please register your child for Love will Guide Us, Chalice Children or the Nursery here:

In order for both the nursery and the Chalice Children programs to run, we will need some volunteers and paid childcare workers (open to teens and adults connected to our community, or not). The link to sign up to help is here: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/60B0F4AA9AF2CAB9-2023

In order to work or volunteer in any of our programs we will need background checks done.  Melissa can email you the directions to get started with that. It is easy and free. Contact her at dre <at>buxmontuu <dot> org

If you have any questions about our RE programs, contact Melissa Speranger – dre <at> buxmontuu <dot> org.