We offer a safe and creative environment in which children and youth become compassionate, knowledgeable, and involved members of our spiritual community as well as of the world at large. To achieve this, our program provides opportunities for fellowship, free inquiry and expression, ethical and spiritual growth, and service for our communities.

R.E. Programs for 2024-2025 Year

All of our classes will begin around 10:45am on Sunday mornings (after the Time for All Ages portion of service).

Social Justice Class– this class is geared towards tweens/teens and will have a new focus every 4 weeks or so. Within that time the kids will learn about the social justice issue and complete a project related to it. This class will be meeting in the Circle Time room. The current plan is below, but is subject to change based on the participants input.

Illiteracy- Book Drive- Mid Sept-Mid Oct

Hunger- Food drive- Mid Oct- Mid- Nov

Poverty- underwear/diaper drive- Mid- Nov- Mid Dec

Fair Trade- Advocacy- Jan

Hatred- Spread Kindness campaign- Feb

Child Sickness- Fundraiser- March

Environment- April

Animals- May

Legos and UU Values– This class is geared towards elementary kids. It will feature legos as the building blocks (pun intended) to talking about UU values. There will be an activity, discussion, and lego building each week. Class will be meeting in room 105.

Bluey and UU Values– This class is geared for preschoolers and young elementary kids. They will be watching an episode of the TV show Bluey (featuring a dog family and is about 8 minutes long) and then using the episode as a jumping off point for an activity, craft, or game connecting it to  UU values. Class will me meeting in room 104.

Nursery- open to kids under the age of 3-ish, there will not be any formal learning here, but lots of learning to share and not put things in our mouths, which are very important skills. They will be meeting in room 103.

Please register your child here:

In order for all of our programs to run, we will need some volunteers and paid childcare workers (open to teens and adults connected to our community, or not). The link to sign up to help is here: 


In order to work or volunteer in any of our programs we will need background checks done.  Melissa can email you the directions to get started with that. It is easy and free. Contact her at dre <at>buxmontuu <dot> org

If you have any questions about our RE programs, contact Melissa Speranger – dre <at> buxmontuu <dot> org.