Becoming a Member
Welcome to the process of becoming a member of BuxMont Unitarian Universalist Fellowship. The pathway begins with your first visit through our doors. It culminates with signing the membership book and becoming fully engaged in the Fellowship. In between, we offer a number of ways for you to learn about Unitarian Universalism and our Fellowship.
Your First Visit find out more about what to expect when visiting BuxMont for the first time.
Over the next few months get to know Unitarian Universalism and BuxMont Unitarian Universalist Fellowship by participating in newcomer-friendly activities.
- Postings of Unitarian Universalist events, brochures, and books can be found in the Social Hall and Library.
- Sign Up for the weekly eVoice or monthly newsletter, which will contain more details about upcoming events and activities.
And get to know the people who make up BuxMont’s Fellowship.
- Attend an event such as a Coffee House or Friday Night Film, listed on the web calendar and in the “Order of Service.”
- Volunteer to sing in an Instant Choir, help at a social event, assist the Sunday Morning Greeters, or help with a one-time task. The Ambassador at the Visitors’ Center can help to connect you.
- Sign cards at the Caring Corner table in the Social Hall after the service and meet dozens of other BuxMonters who are doing the same–and who will enjoy meeting you. Just sit down when a chair is empty.
- Sign up to participate in a BuxMont Dinner Group where 6-10 people meet for potluck dinner in the homes of our members.
- Visit or join any of the committees listed in “Who’s Who at BuxMont” brochure.
- Join a Small Group Ministry where 6-10 people meet monthly to discuss a question about spirituality.
- And definitely stay for coffee hour after the Sunday service.
When you are comfortable, let the Minister or someone from the Membership Committee know that you may be interested in becoming a BuxMont member. You will receive information created for those who are considering joining BuxMont Unitarian Universalist Fellowship. After you have had the opportunity to review the information packet, the Minister or someone from the Membership Committee will meet with you for a conversation about your desires and responsibilities as a Unitarian Universalist and a member of the BuxMont UU Fellowship. You will be invited to sign our membership book, the official act that makes you a member of BuxMont and a Unitarian Universalist. The entire congregation will welcome you at a New Member Recognition Ceremony within a few months of your joining.