For Sunday Service Information and Places to Connect in the
BuxMont Community, please click here.


Are You Okay?

In the current times, one’s situation can change quickly. If you find yourself unable to leave your home for food or medicine because you are quarantined due to illness or exposure to the virus, BuxMont may be able to help. We have a small group of volunteers willing to pick up items for others when they do their own shopping. If you have any kind of emergency, please contact

Where To Find Us Online

Find us on Facebook

You can also join our Facebook Discussion Group and participate in (and post) conversations and updates with others from BuxMont.​


Cradles to Crayons

BuxMont is a community drop off point for new or nearly new clothing, books, school supplies and essentials for children in need in the Philadelphia area.  Donations can be placed in the outdoor storage box on the front sidewalk. See or contact Melissa Egbertson for more information.

Sunday Flower Donations
Honor a loved one, celebrate a special occasion or just further enhance the beauty of the Fellowship with fresh cut flowers artistically arranged by our Decorating Committee. We will create a display for both sanctuary pillars for $85 and/or one table arrangement in the Social Hall for $35. 
Please submit an online request or send an email to and a member of the Decorating Committee will contact you.

Caring Corner
Each week at BuxMont we send out Caring Cards to those we are aware of who may appreciate knowing that we are thinking of them. Please stop by the Caring Table in the Social Hall this Sunday after the service to write a message, or simply sign your name to add to our Caring Ministry beyond our walls. Whether you are an old-timer or newcomer to the congregation, you are welcome to join us. The Caring Table is a great place to meet new friends. Susie Hook or one of the other Caring Table hosts will be glad to orient you.

Explore Our Library Collection!
Volunteer librarians maintain an extensive collection in the Fireside Room.  Our collection is listed on Tiny Cat to make it easy to browse for topics that interest you.  All books are cataloged, and members may check them in and out using the card file on the bookshelf by the doors.  For more information about the library, email

Submitting Receipts
Reimbursement requests and invoices must be submitted with the correct account number.  No payments will be accepted or processed if sent by email.  Please put all requests into the Treasurer’s mailbox, located in the hallway by the offices.  If you need a list of account numbers, please see the administrator (administrator <at> buxmontuu <dot> org) .



To see upcoming events at our GPC congregations, visit the GPC calendar:

GPC is on Facebook!
– Please follow us on the Facebook page, “Greater Philly Unitarian Universalist Cluster”.
– Please join our Facebook group, “Greater Philly UUs”. It is a closed group, so find “Greater Philly UUs” on Facebook and click the button to request to join.

Introducing UUA LeaderLab! LeaderLab provides relentlessly useful resources for lay and professional leaders of UU congregations and covenanting communities. For more info, visit:

For more information on the Greater Philly UU Cluster, check out our website at