Gaia’s Rainbow on the Neshaminy

Gaia’s Rainbow is an eclectic Pagan and Earth-Based worship group at Buxmont, providing a group worship experience to people of all faiths who wish to explore or further their interest in Earth-based and Pagan spiritual systems. Participants are welcome to share, participate in and/or observe a variety of rituals and spiritual technologies in a safe, accepting environment. Celebrants volunteer to lead rituals and provide education on a wide range of Pagan topics. Participants range in experience from novice to hereditary, coven-trained and ordained spiritual leaders. We utilize the Wheel of the Year, a Pagan seasonal calendar, as a guide to scheduling and hosting eight yearly Sabats (seasonal and mid-seasonal rituals). 

Our schedule of rituals for 2024:

SAT FEB 3: Inbolc, 7 PM, Sanctuary
SAT MAR 23: Ostara/Full Moon, 7 PM, Sanctuary
APR 28 (SUN): Beltane, 2 PM Gardens; Sanctuary if rain
SAT JUN 22: Litha/Full Moon, 7 PM, Sanctuary
SAT AUG 3: Lammas, 7 PM, Sanctuary
SAT SEPT 21: Mabon/Full Moon, 7 PM, Sanctuary
SAT OCT 26: Samhain, 7 PM, Sanctuary
SAT DEC 21: Yul/Yankee Trader Gift Exchange, 7 PM, Sanctuary
The Annual UU Gaia’s Rainbow Sunday Service will be on August 4 and will be centered around Lammas.

Unless otherwise stated, all rituals are at 7 PM in the Buxmont Sanctuary. Persons under 17 must be accompanied by parent or guardian.

For more information, contact Tammy at gaiasrainbow <at>buxmontuu <dot>org.