Speaker: Shaie Dively

Returning Home

You can view the Order of Service here. Missed the service? You can view its recording on YouTube. Heraclitus, a 6th/5th BCE Greek philosopher, was known for his central ideas of the unity of opposites, the concept of change, and how the world is always in flux. A few of his famous sayings include “everything flows,” … Continue reading Returning Home

Wholeness and Equity

This Sunday’s programming is being offered both in-person and online. View the Order of Service here. View the entire service on Facebook here. In 1973, due to the behest and determination of Rep. Bella Abzug (D-NY), the U.S. Congress designated August 26th as Women’s Equality Day. The date was chosen to commemorate the certification of … Continue reading Wholeness and Equity

Wintertide Vespers

You can view the Order of Service here. View the entire service on Facebook. As we gather together during one of the early days of wintertide, let us take time to rest in the space the season offers for contemplation, meditation, and stillness. 10:15-10:30 a.m. – Online Gathering Time  10:30 a.m. – Online Sunday Service 11:30 a.m. – Digital Coffee Hour … Continue reading Wintertide Vespers

A Broader Mercy

Mercy’s definition reminds us that, on the human level, it involves the virtues of compassion and forgiveness. Dr. Janet K. Ruffing, RSM, a Sister of Mercy, reminds us that “compassion is more than a feeling…it also involves an effective response, a remedy or amelioration of concrete suffering.” She writes mercy, as compassion, “addresses the root … Continue reading A Broader Mercy

Traveling a Labyrinth

As Fall unfolds, join us to reflect on the past and create hopes for the future by learning about the ancient spiritual practice of using a labyrinth. During this service we will introduce a variety of labyrinths, including ones which don’t require walking. View the Order of Service. Watch the entire service on Facebook. Message: … Continue reading Traveling a Labyrinth