Speaker: Melissa Egbertson

Faithfully Being Covenanted

Click here to access our livestream which starts about 10:25. This Sunday’s programming is being offered both in-person and online. The Article II Study Commission was charged by the UUA Board to review Article II of the UUA Bylaws, and propose any revisions that would enable the UUA, the member congregations, and the covenanted communities to be … Continue reading Faithfully Being Covenanted

Your Vote is Your Voice – Interfaith Civic Engagement

You can view the Order of Service here. BuxMont is a founding member of POWER Bucks Interfaith, a non-partisan racial- and economic-justice community organizing group. Since 2019, the POWER Bucks Fair Funding Education group and the Voting / Civic Engagement groups have been working to educate their member congregations and the community about current challenges … Continue reading Your Vote is Your Voice – Interfaith Civic Engagement

Traveling a Labyrinth

As Fall unfolds, join us to reflect on the past and create hopes for the future by learning about the ancient spiritual practice of using a labyrinth. During this service we will introduce a variety of labyrinths, including ones which don’t require walking. View the Order of Service. Watch the entire service on Facebook. Message: … Continue reading Traveling a Labyrinth