Speaker: Laurie Brooks

Journey Into a Unitarian Universalist Prayer Bead Practice

View the Order of Service here. For those joining us online this Sunday and keeping with the theme of practices, we invite you to engage in Hope as a Practice with our service from November. Watch the service with this link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GctMJVN0vGg Prayer beads are traditionally associated with the Catholic faith, but they have roots … Continue reading Journey Into a Unitarian Universalist Prayer Bead Practice

Rejoicing in the New Year

How does a weary world rejoice? On the fifth Sunday of December, we reflect on the past year and take time for renewal in our annual Labyrinth Service as we celebrate New Years Eve. Our Sunday, December 31st service will be at 10:30 a.m. and IN-PERSON ONLY. Our theme for the month of December is … Continue reading Rejoicing in the New Year

Illness & Spirituality

You can view the Order of Service here. View the entire service on Facebook. This Sunday’s programming is being offered both in-person and online. It can be a struggle on a good day to find or stick with your chosen spiritual path, but it’s even harder if you’re having a bad day, year or decade. … Continue reading Illness & Spirituality

Intentional Hope

You can view the Order of Service here. How do we maintain hope while being inundated with disaster after disaster? Be inspired to enter 2022 deciding to be intentionally hopeful about this new year. 10:15-10:30 a.m. – Online Gathering Time  10:30 a.m. – Online Sunday Service 11:30 a.m. – Digital Coffee Hour To read more about the Religious Education for children … Continue reading Intentional Hope

Lammas Celebration

You can view the Order of Service here. View the entire service on Facebook. Today is Lammas–what does that mean?  Learn about Earth based worship and what the ‘Wheel of the Year’ means. There will be an outside ritual at 1:00 to honor Lammas, weather permitting (either raining or too hot, will cancel).