Water Ceremony & Ingathering Service Many Tributaries, One River

You can view the Order of Service here.

View the entire service on Facebook.

Our congregation is made up of the many tributaries that are our members & friends. In this annual ingathering service, we will hold a water ceremony to recognize the regathering and renewal of our community as we begin a new program year together. There will be an outdoor altar to gather water prior to the Sunday service for those joining us virtually.

Please bring your water with you on Sunday OR bring it to our outdoor altar near the front entrance on Friday or Saturday if you are joining us online. 

Speaker – Rev. Kevin W. Jagoe
Worship Associate – Mandy-Lee Garofalo
Musicians – John Hook & Margaret Lea

10:15-10:30 a.m. – Gathering Time Online & In-person
10:30 a.m. – Sunday Service both Online & In-person
11:30 a.m. – Digital Coffee Hour & Outdoor Social Hour

This will be our first fully hybrid worship service. There are multiple ways folks can engage in our community on Sunday’s at this time: 

  • During worship, those 12 and over who would like to be in the sanctuary may do so. We are requiring masks of everyone, regardless of vaccination status for worship at this time.
  • Those under 12 are invited to participate in our outdoor Religious Education program which will include a water ceremony.
  • And everyone is invited outside for our Social Hour after the service, which will not include refreshments at this time and masking will be required as it will be a multi-age space. 
  • Anyone may continue to participate in our Sunday programming via Zoom.

To read more about the Religious Education for children & youth this Sunday, visit the RE program page.