Returning Home

You can view the Order of Service here.

Missed the service? You can view its recording on YouTube.

Heraclitus, a 6th/5th BCE Greek philosopher, was known for his central ideas of the unity of opposites, the concept of change, and how the world is always in flux. A few of his famous sayings include “everything flows,” “there is nothing permanent except change,” and “nothing is, everything is becoming.” Join us this Sunday as we explore how the paradox of his most infamous saying “as they step into the same rivers, other and still other waters flow upon them” – or its paraphrase, “no man steps in the same river twice” – can invite us to lean into a deeper, a richer, experience of returning home, and provide an opportunity for profound self-reflection.

Shaie has been blessed with a life that’s provided her with opportunities to meet folx from diverse backgrounds, communities, and cultures. Her work experiences include theatre and television, photo researching, being a chaplain at a children’s hospital, and accounting. In 2018, she earned a Master of Divinity degree from Vanderbilt Divinity School, and she recently completed a ministerial internship at Unitarian Universalists of Mt. Airy (2022-2024). She has been a member of BuxMont UU since April 2014 and looks forward to her return to us in August.

  • 10:15 a.m. – Gathering Time In-person
  • 10:30 a.m. – Sunday Service both Online & In-person
  • 10:30 a.m. – Childcare available to children under the age of 5-ish
  • 11:30 a.m. – In-person Social Time

To read more about the Religious Education for children & youth this Sunday, visit the RE program page.

To read more about our current Covid planning, visit the Covid-19 Response page.