Autumn teaches us to embrace change.  Colorful leaves fall to nurture the earth, allowing the trees to go into a deep sleep. So that they can return even better than before.

Let’s come together to embrace changing for the better. Let meditation put you in touch with your inner self. Practice yoga to release and purify your body. Engage in creative art to reveal another side of you. Explore the intricacies of change…its obstacles and possibilities. Then escape into a world of your own making with a magical sound bath.

Our retreat is open to all adults from anywhere.


The day’s agenda 

  • 09:00 Gathering with coffee and tea
  • 09:30 Opening and Centering Meditation
  • 10:00 Yoga (chair or mat)
  • 11:15 Yoga Nidra Meditation*
  • 11:45 Lunch served. Explore our lovely gardens (weather permitting)
    • We serve assorted wraps: vegetarian and chicken, a beautiful vegan salad with add-ins of roasted chicken and feta for non-vegans
  • 12:30 Circle of Exploration (engage as much or as little as you wish)
  •   1:30 Engaging Art Workshop (no skills required)
  •   2:30 Healing Sound Bath (heavenly)
  •   3:30 Wrap-up and Depart

*Yoga Nidra, called “dynamic sleep” is a deep meditation that brings you somewhere between a sleep and an awake state, where you explore the Five Koshas (sheaths or layers): Annamaya Kosha…the body; Pranamaya Kosha…energy; Manomaya Kosha…the mind…Vjanamaya Kosha…the intellect; and finally, Anandomaya Kosha…bliss.

Yoga Nidra has been scientifically proven to reduce stress, release tension and heal the body, so much so that it is effectively used to treat stress, anxiety, depression, PTSD and addictive behavior.

Enjoy the regenerative effects of Yoga Nidra as you journey deep inside your physical, energy and spiritual bodies for deep relaxation.

We look forward to seeing you at our Autumn Retreat.

100% of profit from your booking fees goes to children’s charities.