Community Respiratory Health
Fall 2023 Message to the Congregation 

We learned through a painful pandemic that our health is not an individual thing but rather a communal one. Our personal health decisions impact those we love and those in our community, especially those with multiple health concerns already. 

When we speak about Widening the Circle, we are talking about how our values of inclusion are practiced in our congregation and in our lives with one another. One way we can widen the circle is around ableism. An aspect of ableism is how well we consider those in our community with health concerns during peak respiratory disease season. 

There are a few things you can do to help yourself be more healthy AND help keep those we care about out of the hospital and alive for another year. 

About 14,000 adults over 65 die of RSV annually. Additionally, 36,000 Americans die from the flu every year, and in 2022 more than 267,000 people died of Covid-19. That is over 317,000 preventable deaths annually from respiratory illness. For the first time, we have vaccines for all three of these diseases and we know how to help prevent their spread. 

  1. Get vaccinated, below is a chart to show who is eligible for each vaccine. Whether or not you are worried about your own health, vaccines also help those you talk to during coffee hour and interact with at home. 
  2. Wear a mask when inside with groups. We are not yet instituting a mask requirement but opting to wear a mask severely decreases community spread of all respiratory illness. 
  3. Stay home when ill. If you are not feeling well, stay home and avoid spreading any illness to others. 
  4. Wash your hands. This is the time of year to wash your hands as much as you can. While this doesn’t prevent Covid, it does prevent the spread of multiple respiratory illnesses picked up from surfaces. 

Do what you can to prevent the dangerous overcrowding of our hospital systems this fall. Not only do these practices help others but you will be sick less too. Community health is about good personal health. 

Below are past messages to the congregation:

BuxMont UU Fellowship’s Covid-19 Response takes into account the latest CDC recommendations, the Unitarian Universalist Association’s recommendations, our local Covid ActNow numbers, and recommendations from our Covid Task Force which are then voted on by our Board of Trustees.

August 4, 2022

Dear BuxMont Members and Friends,

This Sunday, August 7 we will shift to mask-optional for in-person gatherings at the Fellowship. We will also resume coffee hour if we have enough volunteers for that to happen – folks can volunteer for those tasks here

Our Covid-19 Task Force met this week and has decided to relax our policies a bit. This is due to the fact that while Bucks County remains in the Yellow Zone on Covid ActNow the hospitalization rate has remained steady. The updated Covid-19 planning grid can be seen here.

Our overall rules for gathering at BuxMont are that we ask you to be able to say YES to these two questions in order to join us in person:

  1. Are you & your family as vaccinated as possible? 
  2. Are you & your family free of any COVID symptoms or recent known exposure?

Beyond these two rules, our gathering in the building will use these guidelines:

  • Singing is permitted in our services.  
  • People of all ages are warmly welcomed at in-person gatherings and in-person Religious Education. 
  • Our online option for worship will remain for any who wish to join from home.

We also remind folks to please utilize the many tools available to mitigate Covid-19:

  • Avoid gatherings if you have any symptoms
  • Mask whenever you feel necessary
  • Keep at home tests on hand 
  • If diagnosed, consult your doctor immediately to request antivirals
  • Get vaccinated and boosted! 

A few resources:

In Community,

Rev. Kevin, our Board of Trustees, and our Covid-19 Task Force (Rob Livesay – Board President, Laurie Brooks, David Haggard, Thomas Speranger, and Naline Lai)

Past Covid-19 communications to the congregation:

July 13, 2022

Dear BuxMont Members and Friends,

This Sunday, July 17 we will shift back to requiring masks for indoor gatherings at the Fellowship. We will also pause on coffee and snacks during social hour after service.

This is due to the fact that Bucks County has moved into the Yellow Zone on Covid ActNow and in accordance with our most recent Covid-19 policy. The Covid-19 planning grid can be seen here.

Our overall rules for gathering at BuxMont are that we ask you to be able to say YES to these two questions in order to join us in person:

  1. Are you & your family as vaccinated as possible? 
  2. Are you & your family free of any COVID symptoms or recent known exposure?
  3. Will you and your family (2 yrs and older) wear a mask at all times while in the building?

Beyond these three rules, our gathering in the building will use these guidelines:

  • Singing is permitted in our services.  
  • People of all ages are warmly welcomed at in-person gatherings and in-person Religious Education. 
  • Our online option for worship will remain for any who wish to join from home.

A few resources:

Our hope is to return to being mask optional and serving food and drink during social hour as soon as the local Covid rates come down.

In Community,

Rev. Kevin, our Board of Trustees, and our Covid-19 Task Force (Rob Livesay – Board President, Laurie Brooks – Board VP, David Haggard, Thomas Speranger, and Naline Lai)

June 22, 2022

Dear BuxMont Members and Friends,

This Sunday, June 26 we will shift to a mask-optional policy for gatherings at the Fellowship. This is due to the fact that local community Covid numbers have come down and we are now in the green zone on Covid ActNow. Our decision grid can be seen here.

Our overall rules for gathering at BuxMont are that we ask you to be able to say YES to these two questions in order to join us in person:

  1. Are you & your family as vaccinated as possible? 
  2. Are you & your family free of any COVID symptoms or recent known exposure

Beyond these two rules, our gathering in the building will use these guidelines:

  • We remain mask friendly as a community for any who would like to mask.
  • Singing is permitted in our services. 
  • Food and drink are permitted indoors during coffee hour. 
  • People of all ages are warmly welcomed at in-person gatherings and in-person Religious Education. 
  • Our online option for worship will remain for any who wish to join from home.

A few resources:

In Community,

Rev. Kevin, our Board of Trustees, and our Covid-19 Task Force (Rob Livesay – Board President, Laurie Brooks – Board VP, David Haggard, Thomas Speranger, and Naline Lai)

May 26, 2022

Dear BuxMont Members and Friends,

This Sunday, May 29 we will require masks for indoor gatherings at the Fellowship. We will also pause on coffee and snacks during social hour after service.

This is due to the fact that Bucks County has moved into the Orange Zone on Covid ActNow and in accordance with our most recent Covid-19 policy. The Covid-19 planning grid can be seen here.

Our overall rules for gathering at BuxMont are that we ask you to be able to say YES to these two questions in order to join us in person:

  1. Are you & your family as vaccinated as possible? 
  2. Are you & your family free of any COVID symptoms or recent known exposure?
  3. Will you and your family (2 yrs and older) wear a mask at all times while in the building?

Beyond these three rules, our gathering in the building will use these guidelines:

  • Singing is permitted in our services.  
  • People of all ages are warmly welcomed at in-person gatherings and in-person Religious Education. 
  • Our online option for worship will remain for any who wish to join from home.

A few resources:

Our hope is to return to being mask optional and serving food and drink during social hour as soon as the local Covid rates come down. 

May 20, 2022

Dear BuxMont Members and Friends,

This Sunday, May 22 we will shift back to requiring masks for indoor gatherings at the Fellowship. We will also pause on coffee and snacks during social hour after service.

This is due to the fact that Bucks County has moved into the Yellow Zone on Covid ActNow and in accordance with our most recent Covid-19 policy. The Covid-19 planning grid can be seen here.

Our overall rules for gathering at BuxMont are that we ask you to be able to say YES to these two questions in order to join us in person:

  1. Are you & your family as vaccinated as possible? 
  2. Are you & your family free of any COVID symptoms or recent known exposure?
  3. Will you and your family (2 yrs and older) wear a mask at all times while in the building?

Beyond these three rules, our gathering in the building will use these guidelines:

  • Singing is permitted in our services.  
  • People of all ages are warmly welcomed at in-person gatherings and in-person Religious Education. 
  • Our online option for worship will remain for any who wish to join from home.

A few resources:

Our hope is to return to being mask optional and serving food and drink during social hour as soon as the local Covid rates come down. 

In Community,

Rev. Kevin, our Board of Trustees, and our Covid-19 Task Force (Rob Livesay – Board President, Laurie Brooks – Board VP, David Haggard, Thomas Speranger, and Naline Lai)

April 30, 2022

Dear BuxMont Members and Friends,

This Sunday, May 1 we will shift to a mask-optional policy for gatherings at the Fellowship. This is due to the fact that we have updated our Covid-19 Planning Grid in light of the shifting guidance from the CDC and new categories on Covid ActNow. The new grid with can be seen here.

Our overall rules for gathering at BuxMont are that we ask you to be able to say YES to these two questions in order to join us in person:

  1. Are you & your family as vaccinated as possible? 
  2. Are you & your family free of any COVID symptoms or recent known exposure

Beyond these two rules, our gathering in the building will use these guidelines:

  • We remain mask friendly as a community for any who would like to mask.
  • Singing is permitted in our services. 
  • Food and drink are permitted indoors during coffee hour. 
  • People of all ages are warmly welcomed at in-person gatherings and in-person Religious Education. 
  • Our online option for worship will remain for any who wish to join from home.

A few resources:

Our hope with this latest change is to remain with this plan for the coming months and we remain ready to shift as new information about variants, vaccines, and local numbers continue to unfold.

In Community,

Rev. Kevin, our Board of Trustees, and our Covid-19 Task Force (Rob Livesay – Board President, Laurie Brooks – Board VP, David Haggard, Thomas Speranger, and Naline Lai)

April 14, 2022

Dear BuxMont Members and Friends,

This Sunday, April 17 we return to a mask mandate for in person gatherings. This is due to the fact that we have returned to the Orange (High Risk) Level on the Covid ActNow site. 

Our overall rules for gathering at BuxMont are that we ask you to be able to say YES to these three questions in order to join us in person:

  1. Are you & your family as vaccinated as possible? 
  2. Are you & your family free of any COVID symptoms or recent known exposure
  3. Will you and your family (2 yrs and older) wear a mask at all times while in the building? 

Beyond these three rules, our gathering in the building will use these guidelines:

  • Singing (while masked) is permitted in our services. 
  • Food and drink are permitted indoors during coffee hour. 
  • People of all ages are warmly welcomed at in-person gatherings (and in-person Religious Education continues). 
  • Our online option for worship will remain for any who wish to join from home.
  • Our outdoor sunrise service will be mask optional. 

A few resources:

I understand we have all been shifting back and forth between rules and that the rules are different in each space we occupy. It is tiring and not what we’d hoped for. Our goal at BuxMont is to balance community safety and the ability for people to choose how and when they’d like to be in community together. 

In Community,

Rev. Kevin, our Board of Trustees, and our Covid-19 Task Force (Rob Livesay – Board President, Laurie Brooks – Board VP, David Haggard, Thomas Speranger, and Naline Lai)

March 9, 2022

Dear BuxMont Members and Friends,

This Sunday, March 13 masking becomes optional. We will always be a mask-friendly space but now people can choose whether or not they would like to mask when in our building. This is due to the fact that we are now in the Yellow (Medium Risk) on the Covid ActNow site. 

Our overall rules for in-person gathering at BuxMont are:

  • You and your family must be as vaccinated as possible.
  • You and your family must be free of any COVID symptoms or recent known exposure. 
  • You may choose whether or not to mask.
  • Singing is permitted in our services. 
  • Food and drink are permitted indoors. 
  • People of all ages are warmly welcomed at in-person gatherings (and Religious Education has resumed). 
  • Our online option for worship will remain for any who wish to join from home. 

Also on Sunday, March 13 – Help us get RE Spaces reset! Starting at Noon, we need help getting the RE spaces ready for more in-person programs. We will be setting up our nursery space, our teen space, and room 105. 

Next Sunday, March 20 we plan to restart coffee and snacks being served after Sunday Morning Service. We need volunteers to help with this, please sign up to volunteer here. On Sundays we do not have enough volunteers, we will not serve refreshments. 

A few resources:

In Community,

Rev. Kevin, our Board of Trustees, and our Covid-19 Task Force (Rob Livesay – Board President, Laurie Brooks – Board VP, David Haggard, Thomas Speranger, and Naline Lai)

March 3, 2022

Dear BuxMont Members and Friends,

We will be easing Covid restrictions throughout March and bringing back more in-person activities. This is very exciting and something we have been awaiting for many months. We are also committed to keeping multi-platform worship in place into the future. You can attend however you would like as we all navigate lowering community numbers. 

This weekend, our Covid-19 policies remain the same as they have been. Masking is required, singing is now allowed, and people of all ages are invited to join us in-person or online via zoom. There will be Religious Education for children & youth in Circle Time as well.

This Saturday, March 5 we will have our Anniversary Celebration and Stewardship Kickoff from 6:30 – 8:30 p.m. Join us either in-person or via Zoom, for our rocking anniversary celebration and stewardship kickoff. If coming in person, just be sure to wear a mask and bring your own snacks and beverages.

Next Sunday, March 13 we will be ending our mask requirement and shifting to encouraged masking. This is due to the fact that we are now in the Yellow (Medium Risk) on the Covid ActNow site. 

Sunday, March 20 we plan to restart coffee and snacks being served after Sunday Morning Service. We need volunteers to help with this, please sign up to volunteer here

A few resources:

In Community,

Rev. Kevin, our Board of Trustees, and our Covid-19 Task Force (Rob Livesay – Board President, Laurie Brooks – VP, David Haggard, Thomas Speranger, and Naline Lai)

February 14, 2022

Those who wish to be in the building at present must be able to say YES to these statements for themselves and any family members with them:

  1. Are you & your family as vaccinated as possible?*
  2. Are you & your family free of any COVID symptoms or recent known exposure?
  3. Will you and your family 2 yrs and older wear a mask at all times while in the building? 

*The idea of these three statements is that if you have a young person in your family 5-11 or 12+ that they are fully vaccinated before you return to in-person activities. And if you are an adult, you are also fully vaccinated and boosted. If you have any respiratory symptoms we are asking that you stay home until they pass. And our mask policy remains in effect.

A few resources:

All activities should still be scheduled with Beverly in the Fellowship office to coordinate space use.

  • Sunday Programming – Our Sunday Morning Services begin at 10:30 a.m. and are offered both online and in-person at this time.
  • Our Religious Education for children and youth is being offered in-person on Sunday mornings as well.
  • We are not yet having coffee or food on Sunday mornings, but we are preparing to do so soon.
  • BuxMont Events beyond Sunday mornings – All BuxMont programs and committee gatherings can occur in-person at this time or continue to meet via zoom.
  • Rentals – All rentals can resume.

February 9, 2022

Dear BuxMont Members and Friends,

For the first time since March 2020, I am writing to invite anyone in our community to gather with us this Sunday, February 13. All ages are welcome in our Sunday Service and there will be indoor Religious Education offerings too!

This has been an incredibly challenging time for all of us and for our congregational community. And we will continue to offer virtual Sunday morning services too. So you can participate any way you’d like. 

Those who wish to be in the building at present must be able to say YES to these statements for themselves and any family members with them:

  1. Are you & your family as vaccinated as possible?*
  2. Are you & your family free of any COVID symptoms or recent known exposure?
  3. Will you and your family 2 yrs and older wear a mask at all times while in the building? 

*The idea of these three statements is that if you have a young person in your family 5-11 or 12+ that they are fully vaccinated before you return to in-person activities. And if you are an adult, you are also fully vaccinated and boosted. If you have any respiratory symptoms we are asking that you stay home until they pass. And our mask policy remains in effect.

This has been a very strange and challenging program year, but we are approaching a new chapter with a great deal of hope and excitement. 

A few resources:

Find out more details about this Sunday’s program below! 

Below is our plan for Sunday Morning programing for this coming Sunday, February 13th:

Covenant: The Promises We Make
Rev. Kevin W. Jagoe

Our lives are made up of promises. Some are kept, some are broken, and some are patched over and over again. We have some choice in these relationships and we are impacted by choices beyond our direct control as well. How do we do our part to honor the threads of the interdependent web we touch?  

  • 10:15 a.m. – Gathering Time Online & In-person
  • 10:30 a.m. – Sunday Service both Online & In-person
  • 10:45 a.m. – Religious Ed. (Grades K-12) in Circle Time
  • 10:45 a.m. – Nursery Space in the Social Hall
  • 11:30 a.m. – Social Time Online & In-person
  • 12:00 p.m. – Special Cong. Meeting Online & In-person 

Below are the ways folks can engage in our community at this time:

  • Sunday Worship – Families and members of all ages who would like to gather with us in the sanctuary may do so. We are requiring masks of everyone (ages 2+), regardless of vaccination status for worship at this time. Anyone may continue to participate in our Sunday programming via Zoom. We will also now invite anyone present in the sanctuary to sing along with our hymns (though we are remaining masked for this). 
  • Religious Education – We invite families with young children to enjoy service from the seats near what we’re calling our “quiet-ish family playspace.” Located at the front of the sanctuary by the social hall doors, this area is available for our youngest friends and their grownups to play during worship. After almost 2 years of no children in the sanctuary, we warmly and enthusiastically welcome some noise from children. An additional playspace is available in the social hall, which we invite you to use if you feel more comfortable there, if your big muscles are telling you to run or jump, or if semi-quiet play is going to be too hard in the sanctuary. Service will be broadcast through a speaker in the social hall. 

    We invite all to explore the options available to borrow during service from our “fidget library” to help with focus and to keep busy hands occupied. Items must be returned at the end of service, and any handled items should be placed in the bin next to the cart for later cleaning. 

    During a multiage R.E. session, we will explore making commitments and keeping promises. To the extent possible, similar-age groupings will be made within the shared space. Children over 5 are welcome to attend, and any who wish to remain in the sanctuary may do so. 

To read more about the Religious Education for children & youth, visit the RE program page.

If you would like to set a time to chat or have any questions, you can contact Rev. Kevin anytime.

May each of us be well,
May we remember that community crosses all boundaries,
May we know that we are cared for,
May we feel the support of our relationships,
May each of us be well.

In Community,

Rev. Kevin, our Board of Trustees, and our Covid-19 Task Force (Rob Livesay – Board President, Laurie Brooks – Acting Board VP, David Haggard, Thomas Speranger, and Naline Lai)

February 2, 2022

Dear BuxMont Members and Friends,

In the past month, we have weathered a very serious peak in Covid-19 cases locally. As of this writing those numbers have decreased dramatically. This means we are preparing to gather together in-person as a community.

We anticipate that next Sunday, February 13th we will be able to return to hybrid worship. Our updated Covid-19 Policy is that we can back to hybrid services with in-person participation when cases are under 50 per 100K in Bucks County. As of February 2nd, the local cases are 54.8 per 100K. 

This week will give staff and volunteers time to reset our physical spaces and to get our technology working well for those participating from home.

Our new Covid-19 Policy also allows for people of all ages to rejoin us when the time comes. This means that we will be able to welcome children under 12 for the first time to our indoor service and to restart indoor Religious Education programming. 

Our classrooms are being painted as I write this and much of our downstairs remodeling will be ready to be seen by the time we regather as well. 

This has been a very strange and challenging program year, but we are approaching a new chapter with a great deal of hope and excitement. 

A few resources:

Find out what this means for various types of programs below.

Below is our plan for Sunday Morning programing for this coming Sunday, February 6th:

History: The Legacy We Hold
Rev. Kevin W. Jagoe

What is the heritage of this tradition we have received? Most Unitarian Universalists do not grow up in our congregations and few learn about the history that impacts how we gather today. Why are we called Unitarian Universalists? Are we a Christian tradition? What is going on with lighting a chalice on fire anyway? Come find out a few answers, and likely leave with a few different questions. 

  • 9:30-10 a.m. – Virtual Family Chapel
    (contact Angela Konin, DRE for zoom details)
  • 10:15-10:30 a.m. – Online Gathering Time
  • 10:30 a.m. – Online Sunday Service
  • 11:30 a.m. – Digital Coffee Hour

To read more about the Religious Education for children & youth this Sunday, visit the RE program page.

Beyond Sunday morning’s here is what our policies are at present:

  • Indoor small group activities may now resume.
  • Rentals may now resume.
  • All activities should still be scheduled with Beverly in the Fellowship office to coordinate space use.

If you would like to set a time to chat or have any questions, you can contact Rev. Kevin anytime.

May each of us be well,
May we remember that community crosses all boundaries,
May we know that we are cared for,
May we feel the support of our relationships,
May each of us be well.

January 3, 2022

Dear BuxMont Members and Friends,

Another Covid-19 update as we begin a new calendar year. Due to the continued rapid rise of local Covid-19 cases, we are shifting online for Sunday programming until further notice. Our updated Covid-19 Policy is that we shift online when cases are over 50 per 100K in Bucks County. As of January 3rd, the local cases are 148 per 100K

This is the highest our local Daily New Cases have ever been during the pandemic. While vaccinations continue, we want to do everything possible to reduce the strain on local hospitals. Please read our entire updated Sunday Morning Covid-19 Policy here.

I know this is not where we want to be in this moment and I want to thank this community for the many ways we have adapted to this ever-changing situation. Vaccination, including boosters, remains the best way for us to be personally safe and to help reduce harm in our congregation and larger circles of community. The Covid-19 Task Force continues to meet and to adjust our policies to the current moment and we will continue to do so.

A few resources:

Find out what this means for various types of programs below.

Below is our plan for Sunday Morning programing for this coming Sunday, January 9th:

Embracing Limits, Embracing Hope
Rev. Kevin W. Jagoe

As we begin a new year, it is important to not only embrace hope for what is on the horizon but also to embrace limits. We set limits not to dash hope but to increase the possibility of our success in creating change in ourselves and in our communities.

  • 9:30-10 a.m. – Virtual Family Chapel
    (contact Angela Konin, DRE for zoom details)
  • 10:15-10:30 a.m. – Online Gathering Time
  • 10:30 a.m. – Online Sunday Service
  • 11:30 a.m. – Digital Coffee Hour

To read more about the Religious Education for children & youth this Sunday, visit the RE program page.

Beyond Sunday morning’s here is what our policies are at present:

  • Indoor small group activities are paused until local cases come down. 
  • Rentals are paused until local cases come down.
  • If members need to access the building, please schedule with Beverly in the Fellowship office so that we keep to one household at a time in the same space.

If you would like to set a time to chat or have any questions, you can email Rev. Kevin or call his pastoral care line.

May each of us be well,
May we remember that community crosses all boundaries,
May we know that we are cared for,
May we feel the support of our relationships,
May each of us be well.

In Community,

Rev. Kevin, our Board of Trustees, and our Covid-19 Task Force (Rob Livesay – Board President, Laurie Brooks – Acting Board VP, David Haggard, Thomas Speranger, and Naline Lai)

December 16, 2021

Dear BuxMont Members and Friends,

Due to the very rapid rise of local Covid-19 cases, we are shifting online for Sunday services until further notice. Our updated Covid-19 Policy is that we shift online when cases are over 50 per 100K in Bucks County. Please read our entire updated Sunday Morning Covid-19 Policy here.

A few resources:

We will be holding our Christmas Eve services fully online this year due to local Covid numbers and an abundance of caution in the face of the new variant. This decision was not an easy one and I know this Christmas looks different that what we imagined it would be.

I also want us to recall that even though we are not fully back to in-person gathering quite yet, we have been able to have a number of Sunday services and other activities together in-person, online, and hybrid this program year. A marked difference from a year ago. And I have incredible hope that as the new year unfolds we will continue to have more and more in-person activities for members of our community across all ages.

Please take good care in the coming days and weeks. And take a look at the upcoming services on our Holiday Happenings page.

If you would like to set a time to chat or have any questions, you can email Rev. Kevin or call his pastoral care line.

May each of us be well,
May we remember that community crosses all boundaries,
May we know that we are cared for,
May we feel the support of our relationships,
May each of us be well.

In Community,

Rev. Kevin, our Board of Trustees, and our Covid-19 Task Force (Rob Livesay – Board President, Laurie Brooks – Acting Board VP, David Haggard, Thomas Speranger, and Naline Lai)

December 9, 2021

Dear BuxMont Members and Friends,

The Covid-19 Task Force has made some changes to our overall policies as a congregation. This is our plan as long as Bucks County daily new case numbers remain under 50 per 100K.

Those who wish to be in the building at present must be able to say YES to these statements for themselves and any family members with them:

  1. Are you & your family as vaccinated as possible?
  2. Are you & your family free of any COVID symptoms or recent known exposure?
  3. Will you and your family 2 yrs and older wear a mask at all times while in the building? 

Please read our entire updated Sunday Morning Covid-19 Policy here.
View current data on the Covid ActNow website.

We are currently RED on Covid ActNow, and using the above documents. Sunday morning plans are hybrid at this time:

  • 10:15-10:30 a.m. – Gathering Time Online & In-person
  • 10:30 a.m. – Sunday Service both Online & In-person
  • 10:30 a.m. – Religious Education for ages 5 + in Circle Time Room
  • 11:30 a.m. – Digital Coffee Hour & Indoor Social Hour

Below is our plan for Sunday Morning programing for this coming Sunday, December 9th:

  • Sunday Worship – Those 12 and over who would like to be in the sanctuary may do so. We are requiring masks of everyone, regardless of vaccination status for worship at this time. Anyone may continue to participate in our Sunday programming via Zoom using the link found on our homepage and in the weekly eVoice.
  • Religious Education for ages 5 + in Circle Time Room. See RE newsletter, E-Voice or the BuxMont website for weekly details about RE for children & youth or contact Angela Konin, DRE for more details. 
  • Social Hour after the service will be available online or in the social hall, no food or drink are being served in the building at this time.

And here is our plan for services after this Sunday into January.

November 23, 2021

Dear BuxMont Members and Friends,

As of Tuesday, November 23, Bucks County remains in the RED (very high risk) zone on Covid ActNow. Therefore, this Sunday, November 28, our Sunday morning programming will shift to virtual programming. This change to virtual programs will remain until we are back to the lower ORANGE, or high risk level. 
Below are the ways folks can engage in our community at this time:
  • Sunday Worship – All worship leaders, musicians, and AV folks will lead service from the Sanctuary, socially distanced, and masked. All are required to have proof of vaccination on file with the Fellowship office. The congregation will be fully online via zoom.
  • Religious Education will shift to fully virtual and be held on zoom at two different times (5-11 year olds R.E. 9:30-10:45 a.m. & 12+ year olds R.E. 12:00-1:00 p.m.).  See RE newsletter, E-Voice or the bottom of this email for zoom link or contact Angela Konin, for more details. 
  • Social Hour after the service will be completely online via zoom.
  • Indoor small group activities should shift online, in-person programming requires Management Team approval
  • Rentals require Management Team approval to proceed
If you would like to set a time to chat or have any questions, you can email me or call my pastoral care line.

May each of us be well,
May we remember that community crosses all boundaries,
May we know that we are cared for,
May we feel the support of our relationships,
May each of us be well.

In Community,

Rev. Kevin, our Board of Trustees, and our Covid-19 Task Force (Rob Livesay – Board President, Laurie Brooks – Board Member, David Haggard, Thomas Speranger, and Naline Lai)

October 21, 2021

Dear BuxMont Members and Friends,

On Monday, October 18, Bucks County shifted to the ORANGE (high risk) zone on Covid ActNow. Therefore, this Sunday, October 24, our Sunday morning programming will be able to offer both online and in-person options for how to participate.

A few resources:

There are multiple ways folks can engage in our community on Sunday mornings:

  • 10:15-10:30 a.m. – Gathering Time Online & In-person
  • 10:30 a.m. – Sunday Service both Online & In-person
  • 10:30 a.m. – Outdoor Religious Education (Grades K-5) & Indoor Youth Group (Grades 6 & up)
  • 11:30 a.m. – Digital Coffee Hour & Outdoor Social Hour
  • Indoor Small Groups are able to meet in-person again with masks for all.

What’s Happening in R.E. This Week:

We are thrilled to report that we are back to some in-person Religious Education this week!

Grades K-5 will explore remembering loved ones and will create a memorial using some of the natural materials available to us on our property. We will remain outside for the duration of the session. Temperatures should be in the 50s for us; please dress for the weather.

Grades 6 & up are invited to come and help set up the circle time room and make it yours! This is the first time the space will be in use in a long time, and we are so excited to welcome you back!

If you have questions about Religious Education offerings, please contact Angela Konin, DRE for more details.

What’s Happening in Worship This Week:

What We Do Together

“Ministry is all that we do—Together,” these words by Rev. Gordon McKeeman lift up the theme of this collaborative service celebrating BuxMont’s 60th anniversary. We will explore the themes of ministry and partnership with this special place so many have loved into being. Rev. Kevin Jagoe, Rev. Arthur Severance, Rev. Dan Schatz, Rev. Libby Smith, Rev. Cynthia Snavely, and Rev. Susan Rak will all be part of our service.

If you would like to set a time to chat or have any questions, you can email or call Rev. Kevin anytime.

May each of us be well,
May we remember that community crosses all boundaries,
May we know that we are cared for,
May we feel the support of our relationships,
May each of us be well.

In Community,

Rev. Kevin, our Board of Trustees, and our Covid-19 Task Force (Rob Livesay – Board President, Laurie Brooks – Board Member, David Haggard, Tom Speranger, and Naline Lai)

October 7, 2021

Dear BuxMont Members and Friends,

On Wednesday, October 6, Bucks County shifted to the RED (very high risk) zone on Covid ActNow. Therefore, this Sunday, October 10, our Sunday morning programming will shift to virtual programming. This change to virtual programs will remain until we are back to the lower ORANGE, or high risk level.

A few resources:

Below are the ways folks can engage in our community at this time:

  • Sunday Worship – All worship leaders, musicians, and AV folks will lead service from the Sanctuary, socially distanced, and masked. All are required to have proof of vaccination on file with the Fellowship office. The congregation will be fully online via zoom.
  • Religious Education will shift to fully virtual and be held on zoom. See RE newsletter for zoom link or contact Angela Konin, DRE for more details.
  • Social Hour after the service will be completely online via zoom.
  • Indoor small group activities should shift online, in-person programming requires Management Team approval.
  • Rentals require Management Team approval to proceed.

If you would like to set a time to chat or have any questions, you can email or call Rev. Kevin anytime.

May each of us be well,
May we remember that community crosses all boundaries,
May we know that we are cared for,
May we feel the support of our relationships,
May each of us be well.

In Community,

Rev. Kevin, our Board of Trustees, and our Covid-19 Task Force (Rob Livesay – Board President, Laurie Brooks – Board Member, David Haggard, Thomas Speranger, and Naline Lai)

September 8, 2021

Dear BuxMont Members and Friends,

This Sunday, September 12 we will hold our annual Ingathering & Water Ceremony service. This will be our first fully hybrid service at BuxMont, which means that we will have people online via Zoom and in-person with us in the sanctuary at BuxMont. Additionally, we will have our children and youth participating in our outdoor RE space.

The theme of our service is Many Tributaries, One River and our Water Ceremony ritual will reflect the many sources of our community. We will be gathering water Friday & Saturday from anyone who would like to stop by the Fellowship, we will be gathering water from those in the outdoor RE space, and we will be gather water from those present with us in the sanctuary.

Below are the multiple ways folks can engage in our community on Sunday’s at this time:

  • During worship, those 12 and over who would like to be in the sanctuary may do so. We are requiring masks of everyone, regardless of vaccination status for worship at this time.
  • Those under 12 are invited to participate in our outdoor Religious Education program which will include a water ceremony.
  • And everyone is invited outside for our Social Hour after the service, which will not include refreshments at this time and masking will be required as it will be a multi-age space.
  • Anyone may continue to participate in our Sunday programming via Zoom using the same link on our website and in the weekly eVoice that we’ve been using for the past year.

At last night’s Board meeting, we discussed the many factors we needed to balance between Covid safety and community connection. As of September 8, both Bucks and Montgomery counties are in the High Risk (orange) categories on the COVIDActNow website.

We are working on a comprehensive plan that is adaptable as the pandemic continues to unfold. Our goal is to have the ability to shift from hybrid to fully online if the local Covid numbers get too high (in the red zone). And, we will be able to loosen restrictions quickly as the numbers decrease into the yellow and green zones. This exists as a grid using the Covid ActNow colors and our approved gathering policies, you can see that grid here.

A few highlights of our re-opening policy are:

  • All worship leaders, RE volunteers, & choir members are required to be fully vaccinated.
  • Everyone in the building at any time will be required to wear masks, regardless of vaccination status.
  • All in-person Religious Education for those under 12 will occur outdoors.
  • Online worship & meetings will continue to be available via Zoom, enhanced by our new upgrades.
  • Anyone experiencing any new respiratory symptoms is urged to stay home and participate online.

I am aware that this is not the way most of us hoped to regather, and the situation remains ever-changing. I am concentrating on the positives that more of the general population is getting vaccinated, saving lives even if there are breakthrough cases. This is, of course, also helping protect children & those unable to receive the vaccine.

As we navigate through this uncertain time I hope that you and your family remain safe as we begin a new program year that may require shifting back and forth between multi-platform ways of gathering.

You can attend worship by the same Zoom link we’ve been using each week which will remain accessible on our website:

Beverly Vitek in the Fellowship office remains the person to coordinate any gatherings (outdoor or indoor) in order to keep folks as safe as possible. Please reach out to me or those listed at the end of this message if you have concerns, questions, or comments on our current plan.

If you would like to set a time to chat or have any questions, you can email me or call my pastoral care line.

May each of us be well,
May we remember that community crosses all boundaries,
May we know that we are cared for,
May we feel the support of our relationships,
May each of us be well.

In Community,

Rev. Kevin, our Board of Trustees, and our Covid-19 Task Force (Rob Livesay – Board President, Laurie Brooks – Board Member, David Haggard, and Naline Lai)

May 22, 2021

Dear BuxMont Members and Friends,

As of May 20, both Bucks and Montgomery counties have shifted categories on the Covid ActNow website from High Risk (orange) to Medium Risk (yellow).

This means we are now ready to have small group gatherings (25 or fewer) in our building. Earlier in the month we also announced that outdoor gatherings on the Fellowship grounds are permitted. So at this time any gathering with 25 or fewer people can occur at BuxMont.

Masks are required indoors for anyone who has not yet been fully vaccinated and anyone can choose to mask for any reason. We do ask that masks be used in the restrooms as they are the smallest spaces with people from multiple groups.

All gatherings, whether indoors or outside should be scheduled with Beverly in the Fellowship office. She is booking the back parking lot and other outdoor areas just like a room so that we do not have overlapping gatherings.

Part of our religious tradition is to be thoughtful about how we are together in community. We acknowledge the interconnectedness of all of life. As we move toward regathering, we also acknowledge our personal responsibility to do all we can to make being together safe for more than ourselves. There are those who cannot get vaccinated for medical reasons. Our being vaccinated helps keep them safe too. To that end, I ask that each and every person get vaccinated as soon as they possibly can. If you are having trouble making an appointment, here is a list of available resources.

On Sunday, May 16th at Noon, the Covid-19 Task Force held a community conversation and recorded it, the video of that conversation is available to watch, please email Beverly or Rev. Kevin to get the link.

Below is the graph showing daily new cases over time. We are trending downward in new cases which is very encouraging.

Path Toward Reopening

Our planning is taking into account multiple sources of information. Overall vaccination rates, the Covid ActNow site, and updates from the CDC as well as state health authorities. For now, this is the simplest way to see where we are at using Covid ActNow:

  • Very High Risk (red): all in-person gatherings at BuxMont are suspended.
  • High Risk (orange): outdoor events on BuxMont’s grounds are permitted, no indoor gatherings.
  • Medium Risk (yellow): indoor, small groups of 25 or fewer people are permitted at BuxMont.
  • Low Risk (green): indoor, large gatherings are permitted at BuxMont. This is when we will resume in-person Sunday morning programming.

Our biggest challenge will be determining when to restart Sunday morning programming. One part of that is the above listing. We are also exploring a congregational survey to assess our community’s vaccination rates and looking at UUA guidelines.

We continue to be more cautious than the larger state requirements in order to place the safety of our community at the forefront of our efforts.

As we continue our path toward reopening, Beverly Vitek in the Fellowship office remains the person to coordinate any gatherings (outdoor or indoor) with in order to keep folks as safe as possible.

We are nearing that regathering time and I hope that you and your family remain safe and as well as possible as we weather these final weeks of transition.

You can attend worship by the same Zoom link we’ve been using each week which will remain accessible on the homepage of our website: If you would like to set a time to chat or have any questions, you can email me or call my pastoral care line.

May each of us be well,
May we remember that community crosses all boundaries,
May we know that we are cared for,
May we feel the support of our relationships,
May each of us be well.

In Community,
Rev. Kevin

May 5, 2021

Dear BuxMont Members and Friends,

We are nearing the end of our time apart but we are not quite there yet. New Covid cases in Bucks County put us in the Very High Risk (red) category still as of Tuesday, May 4. Today, we have moved into the High Risk (orange) category. Our plan all along has been to utilize the Covid ActNow website to monitor the situation in an ongoing manner. 

Part of our religious tradition is to be thoughtful about how we are together in community. We acknowledge the interconnectedness of all of life. As we move toward regathering, we also acknowledge our personal responsibility to do all we can to make being together safe for more than ourselves. There are those who cannot get vaccinated for medical reasons. Our being vaccinated helps keep them safe too. To that end, I ask that each and every person get vaccinated as soon as they possibly can. If you are having trouble making an appointment, here is a list of available resources. If you are in need of additional assistance, there are members of our community who have helped a number of folks find a vaccination appointment.

On Sunday, May 16th at Noon, the Covid-19 Task Force will offer some updates about our planning and have time for questions from the congregation. This will be held in the same Zoom room as worship right after coffee hour. 

Below is the graph showing daily new cases over time. We are trending downward in new cases which is very encouraging. 

Our planning is being expanded to include outdoor events on our Fellowship grounds. We are going to continue to rely on the Covid ActNow site and to use it this way:

  • Very High Risk (red): all in-person gatherings at BuxMont are suspended.
  • High Risk (orange): outdoor events on BuxMont’s grounds are permitted, no indoor gatherings.
  • Medium Risk (yellow): indoor, masked small groups of 25 or fewer people are permitted at BuxMont.
  • Low Risk (green): indoor, large gatherings are permitted at BuxMont. This is when we will resume in-person Sunday morning programming. 

Masking remains in effect for now, whether people are vaccinated or not. We continue to be more cautious than the larger state requirements in order to place the safety of our community at the forefront of our efforts. 

As we hopefully move from the High Risk category toward the Low Risk category, Beverly Vitek in the Fellowship office remains the person to coordinate any gatherings (outdoor or indoor) with in order to keep folks as safe as possible. 

The Board has voted unanimously to continue online Sunday morning programming through the end of July 2021. The plan for Sunday morning gatherings is to evaluate this in an ongoing manner with the hope that we will resume in-person gatherings on Sunday, September 12, 2021 with our Ingathering and Water Ceremony service. 

We are holding the month of August as a transition time, we will be testing new electronic equipment to allow us to have hybrid worship moving forward. That means that people will be able to participate from home every Sunday even when we officially reopen. 

The Board of Trustees, the Covid-19 Task Force, our staff, our lay leaders, and myself all feel the longing to regather. It has been a long journey and we have had no known cases of community spread through BuxMont events during this period. We have also had no member fatalities from Covid-19 though many in our congregation have lost loved ones and friends. 

We are nearing that regathering time and I hope that you and your family remain safe and as well as possible as we weather these final weeks of transition. 

May each of us be well,
May we remember that community crosses all boundaries,
May we know that we are cared for,
May we feel the support of our relationships,
May each of us be well.

In Community,
Rev. Kevin

January 7, 2021

Dear BuxMont Members and Friends,

We begin a new calendar year together and we have been gathering mostly digitally for almost ten months. It has been a time of immense challenge and deep learning about what it means to be a community. Our congregation has done this to keep one another safe and to practice our commitment to the safety of those beyond our circle as well. If you would like to see any past Sunday services, they can be found in our online worship archive

The Board has voted unanimously to continue online Sunday morning programming through the end of March 2021. The plan for Sunday morning gatherings is to evaluate this quarterly. The next decision will be made at an upcoming board meeting for April, May, and June. As the vaccine availability goes up and the numbers of those currently ill go down, we will adjust our plan accordingly.

Small-group gatherings are also on pause until further notice. The plan is to restart these should Bucks and Montgomery counties move back to the yellow category on the Covid ActNow website for at least 14 days. 

To date, we have had six members of our community test positive for COVID-19 and zero deaths in the congregation as a result of the disease. However, many families in our community have lost beloved friends and relatives to this disease. It is our sincere hope that our congregational cases remain low and that we can soon gather again in person. 

You can attend worship by the same Zoom link we’ve been using each week which will remain accessible on our website: If you would like to set a time to chat or have any questions, you can email me or call me anytime.

As we begin 2021, we begin to see that there is a future coming that is post-pandemic. I have seen online and heard from multiple congregants that they have received their first dose of the vaccine. In joys and sorrows and congregational gatherings, members tell of family members receiving the vaccine. We are beginning the conversation about what an After looks like in all sorts of spaces. What does your home, work, or child’s school life look like After? 

We may not yet know when, but we know it is coming. Like a much anticipated spring after a particularly harsh winter. The crocuses are poking their way up from the earth. The very first bits of green are visible in the span of brown branches when you look into the woods. Spring is not yet here, but you can begin to smell it on the crisp morning air. 

May each of us be well,
May we remember that community crosses all boundaries,
May we know that we are cared for,
May we feel the support of our relationships,
May each of us be well.

In Community,

Rev. Kevin

November 2, 2020

Dear BuxMont Members and Friends,

Since the last update about our community response to COVID-19, we have begun our program year. We have also launched our collaborative religious education program (AFIRE) for children & youth as well as our collaborative program for adults (UU University). To read more about those programs, visit BuxMont’s website.

This message is to update where we are at as a Fellowship in terms of in-person gatherings and how we are making those decisions. In our last message, we shared the Covid ActNow website as a primary tool being used to evaluate the safety of gathering. Bucks and Montgomery Counties recently went from yellow to orange on this website, marking a dangerous increase in community spread of the virus. 

The Board voted unanimously to continue online Sunday morning programming through the end of 2020. The plan for Sunday morning gatherings is to evaluate this quarterly. So we will make a decision about January, February, and March at an upcoming board meeting and continue that pattern as long as it makes sense to do so. 

Small-group gatherings are also on pause until further notice. The plan is to restart these should Bucks and Montgomery counties move back to the yellow category on the Covid ActNow website for at least 14 days. 

To date, we have had four members of our community test positive for COVID-19 and zero deaths in the congregation as a result of the disease. However, many families in our community have lost beloved friends and relatives to this disease. With the upcoming holidays and folks moving indoor with gatherings, we anticipate this is the beginning of a larger increase in numbers in the near future. We are not yet past this pandemic as we move into the colder months.

The COVID-19 Taskforce (David Haggard, Laurie Brooks, and Rev. Kevin Jagoe) is meeting regularly to monitor the situation in our surrounding communities, assess the latest safety practices, and determine how best to move forward. We are utilizing the Covid ActNow website to help us understand the trends in Bucks and Montgomery Counties as well as the larger state and national numbers.

Please continue to contact the Fellowship office if you would like to access the building. Beverly Vitek is coordinating building use (as well as Zoom room use) so that we ensure that we have as few people present at the same time as possible. 

You can attend worship by the same Zoom link we’ve been using each week which will remain accessible on our website:

If you would like to set a time to chat or have any questions, you can email me or call anytime.

May each of us be well,
May we remember that community crosses all boundaries,
May we know that we are cared for,
May we feel the support of our relationships,
May each of us be well.

In Community,
Rev. Kevin

September 3, 2020

Dear BuxMont Members and Friends,

We are coming to the end of summer. This Sunday, September 6 will mark the end of our Summer UU Road Trip where we shared worship with congregations across five states. 

This message is to update where we are at as a Fellowship in terms of in-person gatherings and how we are making those decisions. At present, Bucks county is in the Green phase of reopening. Religious communities can legally gather without the state interfering, however we know as science-respecting folks that a virus doesn’t differentiate between a movie theater, a concert, or a sanctuary.

The Board voted unanimously to continue online Sunday morning programming through the end of November. The plan for Sunday morning gathering is to evaluate this quarterly. So we will make a decision about December, January, and February at the October board meeting and continue that pattern as long as it makes sense to do so. 

We are launching a new Religious Education program called AFIRE: Alliance For Inspiring Religious Education this fall. This partnership is with three other UU congregations and will allow families to engage in new ways with Unitarian Universalism, their BuxMont friends, and participants in other congregations too. There will even be programming for the adults in our community! See more about this program & register here:

At this time, we are continuing to limit gatherings more than is legally required. This is in order to reduce the amount of community spread within our congregation as well as the larger communities in which we live. We believe it will soon be possible to have small group gatherings in the Fellowship building and will announce that when the time comes.

To date, we have had three members of our community test positive for COVID-19 and zero deaths in the congregation as a result of the disease. However, many families in our community have lost beloved friends and relatives to this disease. There have been more than 7,400 confirmed cases in Bucks county with more than thirty new cases daily (the number of daily new cases is at a similar level as it was in mid-June). We are not yet past this pandemic as we move into the fall.

The COVID-19 Taskforce is meeting regularly to monitor the situation in our surrounding communities, assess the latest safety practices, and determine how best to move forward. We are utilizing the COVID ActNow website to help us understand the trends in Bucks and Montgomery Counties as well as the larger state and national numbers.

Please continue to contact the Fellowship office if you would like to access the building. Beverly Vitek is coordinating building use (as well as Zoom room use) so that we ensure that we have as few people present at the same time as possible. 

You can attend worship by the same Zoom link we’ve been using each week which will remain accessible on our website:

May each of us be well,
May we remember that community crosses all boundaries,
May we know that we are cared for,
May we feel the support of our relationships,
May each of us be well.

In Community,
Rev. Kevin

June 15, 2020

Dear BuxMont Members and Friends,

Today marks three months since we stopped in-person Sunday morning worship and moved to close our building to most use. As the rules shift and counties move toward reopening it is important to keep our community updated on how we are approaching gatherings and building use. At present, Bucks county is in the Yellow phase of reopening. This means that gatherings are legally limited to 25 or fewer people.

At this time, we are continuing to limit gatherings more than is legally required. This is in order to reduce the amount of community spread within our congregation. In mid-July we will explore what small group meetings in the building are possible.

To date, we have had three members of our community test positive for COVID-19 and zero deaths as a result of the disease. There have been more than 5,000 confirmed cases in Bucks county with more than thirty new cases daily. We are not yet past this pandemic as we move into the summer months.

The COVID-19 Taskforce is meeting every other week to monitor the numbers in our surrounding communities, assess the latest legal requirements, and determine how best to move forward. 

Please continue to contact the Fellowship office if you would like to access the building. Beverly Vitek is coordinating building use (as well as Zoom room use) so that we ensure that we have a few people present at the same time as possible. 

Summer worship will all be online via Zoom (Sunday, June 28 – September 6). We have a very exciting set of Sunday morning worship services for our community to participate in. We will begin on June 28 by worship with the entire Unitarian Universalist Association and then go on a UU Road Trip each Sunday to a different congregation around the country. More details will be coming out soon! 

You can attend by the same Zoom link we’ve been using each week which will remain on our homepage at We will continue to have joys & sorrows after worship and coffee hour conversations to keep us connected over the summer months.  

May each of us be well,
May we remember that community crosses all boundaries,
May we know that we are cared for,
May we feel the support our relationships,
May each of us be well.

In Community,

Rev. Kevin

March 19, 2020

Dear BuxMont Members and Friends,

To further limit the potential spread of COVID-19, the Board and myself have made the decision that the Fellowship building is closed for the foreseeable future. We all want our entire congregation to remain as healthy as possible. If you need to access the building for any reason, permission must be granted by Rev. Kevin or Greg Sturn. 

Please be aware that all non-life-sustaining businesses in PA have been ordered to close by Gov. Tom Wolf, which you can read more about here.

Sunday morning services will continue online, we will be announcing more details for this Sunday’s programming soon. We are working on online Religious Education offerings as well as other ways for our community to stay connected. Please check this week’s eVoice for details.

All groups and meetings that would like to use Zoom to meet, can contact Beverly in the Fellowship Office to reserve a meeting time. We now have two Zoom rooms available so more than one group can meet simultaneously.

The Fellowship Office is closed for now. Beverly will be working remotely and only coming in for essential financial tasks. She is still reachable at her email and the Fellowship phone number during normal business hours.

I also remain available to you no matter where I am working from. You can email or call me any time and I am open to setting appointments via Zoom or over the phone. In the case of a pastoral emergency, in-person meetings can be arranged.

May each of us be well,
May we remember that community crosses all boundaries,
May we know that we are cared for,
May we feel the support our relationships,
May each of us be well.

In Community,

Rev. Kevin
Greg Sturn, Board President

March 14, 2020

Dear BuxMont Members and Friends,

As the COVID-19 situation continues to evolve myself, the Board of Trustees, and other key leaders in our congregation have determined that it is time to suspend in-person worship on Sunday mornings. 

This Sunday we will stream worship via our Facebook Page which can be found at Please go to Facebook and “like” that page if you have not done so already. 

Our schedule for this Sunday, March 15:

  • 10:00 a.m. – 10:15 a.m. Gathering time online, we will go live just before 10 a.m. on Facebook to allow folks who are new to this format time to get settled in and to ask questions. If you need help or are experiencing programs getting the video and audio to work, please call the main Fellowship number (215) 343-0406.
  • 10:15 a.m. – 11:15 a.m. Sunday Morning Service via Facebook Live – For those who cannot be with us at 10:15 a.m. this Sunday, audio and video recordings will be available on Monday on our website. To see our Order of Service – please click here.
  • 11:15 a.m. – 12:15 p.m. Online Coffee Hour – bring your favorite beverage and join us for conversation. Rev. Kevin will host our first-ever digital coffee hour via zoom.

We hope to see one another on video during our coffee hour, but if you cannot connect using a computer or other device to the Zoom link above, you can also call in using your telephone to participate in our coffee hour.

We will be working on plans for continued online worship this coming week as well as other programming offered via Zoom for our community. 

We are heeding the guidance from the UUA that no in-person gathering should happen at BuxMont of more than 25 people. It is encouraged that any meetings that can move to Zoom do so. To schedule a Zoom meeting for your group, please contact Beverly Vitek in the Fellowship Office. Office hours remain Mon-Fri 9 a.m. – 3 p.m. at this time. We will be communicating with our renters this week as well. 

Words from Rabbi Yosef Kanefsky feel important to call our attention to how to be in community even when not together in person:

Every hand that we don’t shake must become a phone call that we place.
Every embrace that we avoid must become a verbal expression of warmth and concern.
Every inch and foot that we physically place between ourselves and another, must become a thought as to how we might be of help to that other should the need arise.

I would add to these words that now is the time we center our Unitarian Universalist Principles in our daily lives more than ever. The decisions we make should center the inherent worth and dignity of every person. And our actions should take into account a respect for the interdependent web of all existence of which we are a part.

I want you to know that I remain available to you during this challenging time whether I am in my office at BuxMont or working from home. Please reach out to me, we can set a time to meet in person or have coffee and tea via a Zoom meeting.

In Community,

Rev. Kevin