The BuxMont Adult Choir is in its twenty-ninth season. In the fall of 1990 we sang two anthems–for Thanksgiving and Christmas. Now we are averaging three anthems each month, plus several responses. We had our first “annual” concert in May of 2005 and continue to have concerts yearly and occasionally larger shows. Our concerts have a different theme each year.


We are a community that enjoys making music together and seeks to enhance the worship experience of the congregation. Our music is woven into the fabric of the services as an integral part, and musical selections are chosen from many cultures and spiritual traditions.


Rehearsals are every Wednesday evening from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. during the “school year” (September through June). The Adult Choir takes a break each summer. New members are welcome to join at any time throughout the year. No audition required and we welcome singers of all abilities. For more information contact Margaret Lea.