Children and youth are welcome, included, and valued at BuxMont.  Sunday mornings include worship and learning experiences for all ages. We provide a caring Nursery environment for the very youngest.  In the words of William Ellery Channing, “The great end in religious instruction is not to stamp our minds upon the young, but to stir up their own… not to form an outward regularity, but to touch inward springs.”

Sunday Services

Most Sundays, there is an invitation for children and their adults to the front of the sanctuary for Time for All Ages, and are then “sung out” to their classes.  A few services each year are specifically designed to be inter-generational and appeal to all ages. We have play spaces and a fidget library for anyone who may feel restless during the main worship service.

Children of all ages (and babies) are welcome to attend any service with an adult.  Special seating is always available in the social hall for those who want to listen, watch, and be able to move about as they need to – or even play or draw/color quietly.

Occasionally, a service will deal with a particularly difficult topic (e.g. school shootings) that may be unsuitable for some small children. In these cases, a verbal warning will be given early in the service to allow families to decide whether they would rather have their children visit a downstairs classroom that day.


Infants, toddlers, and children 3 years old or younger are welcome in the nursery during Sunday services. The nursery is open and staffed by from 10:30 a.m. -11:45 a.m.  There is no charge for the use of the Nursery and all of our caregivers have the state mandated clearances.

Activities for All Ages

Children and youth are included in most Fellowship events, including gardening, game nightsconcerts, coffeehouses, potluck dinners, drum circles, seasonal parties, picnics and more. Our young people are also invited to participate in service activities throughout the year, such as a Martin Luther King day of service, caring for their classrooms and the Fellowship grounds, and raising funds or collecting goods for worthy organizations.

Child Care during Fellowship Events

Many BuxMont events and meetings offer free child care if requested at least one week in advance. Depending on the event location within the building and the number of children attending, this child care may be provided in the nursery or in one of the downstairs classrooms. Please check the event listing and confirm child care with an event organizer, letting him or her know the age and any special needs of each child you will be bringing.

Earth Day