Wholeness and Equity

This Sunday’s programming is being offered both in-person and online.

View the Order of Service here.

View the entire service on Facebook here.

In 1973, due to the behest and determination of Rep. Bella Abzug (D-NY), the U.S. Congress designated August 26th as Women’s Equality Day. The date was chosen to commemorate the certification of the 19th Amendment, and the day’s observance to illuminate and call attention to women’s continuing efforts to reach equality and equity. Fifty-one years after the first celebration of Women’s Equality Day (1971), we live in a time when women’s rights and protections are being dismantled and eroded. Court decisions and political rhetoric have shocked and unnerved millions of American women and their allies, with many sensing that this is a watershed moment.
This Sunday, two days after Women’s Equality Day, let us pause and begin to restore, renew and foster our hope and determination by remembering historic moments in the Seventies when our elders and ancestors put vision into action, providing us with a legacy of words (and song!) that we can call upon today for wisdom, guidance, and resolve.

  • 10:15 a.m. – Gathering Time Online & In-person
  • 10:30 a.m. – Sunday Service Online & In-person
  • 10:45 a.m. – Self-guided Religious Education for ages 5 & up
  • 11:30 a.m. – Social Time Online & In-person

To read more about the Religious Education for children & youth this Sunday, visit the RE program page.

To read more about our current Covid planning, visit the Covid-19 Response page.