3 hr Rental (M-F)Long Term Rental (M-F, 6x / year or more)3 hr Rental (Sat-Sun)Long Term Rental (Sat-Sun, 6x / year or more)Additional Hours
Sanctuary (no AV)$450$400$525$475$70
Social Hall$165$150$200$175$50
Sanctuary + Social Hall + Fireside Room$625$550$700$650$60
Classroom / Fireside Room Only $70$60$100$75$20
Circle Time Room$85$75$115$95$30
Grounds only (or add this to above rental rate to include with another rental)$100$85$150$125$25

Are you a non-profit organization? We may be able to offer you a discounted rental rate! Contact our events coordinator at events@buxmontuu.org for more information.